Παρασκευή 23 Οκτωβρίου 2015

Flinders Street Station Design Competition - Melbourne, Australia 2012

Αντικείμενο του διαγωνισμού είναι η επέκταση του κεντρικού σιδηροδρομικού σταθμού της Μελβούρνης με πολυδιάστατο χαρακτήρα. Ένα ιστορικό κτίριο, στο κέντρο της πόλης και δίπλα στον ποταμό Yarra. Μια θέση, κατά τ’ άλλα προβληματική, αφού παρά τον ρόλο του ως τόπος διάχυσης/μετάβασης, αποτελεί φυσικό εμπόδιο στις υπόλοιπες αστικές συνδέσεις.

Στόχος της πρότασής μας είναι η ανατροπή αυτής της κατάστασης. Είναι η μετατροπή της περιοχής μελέτης σε ανοιχτό δημόσιο χώρο για την πόλη της Μελβούρνης, σε αστικό χώρο μετάβασης, δράσεων και πληροφόρησης. Προτείνουμε την λειτουργία του μεγαλύτερου μέρους του σταθμού σε επίπεδα κάτω από τις υφιστάμενες σιδηροδρομικές γραμμές, με την ταυτόχρονη απελευθέρωση του τμήματος πάνω από αυτές για δημόσιες χρήσεις. Ο νέος αυτός αστικός χώρος λειτουργεί σε επίπεδα (layers) και μεταμορφώνεται σε κατακόρυφη πλατεία (vertical square) προσφέροντας οπτικές και λειτουργικές συνδέσεις τόσο με την πόλη, όσο και με τον σταθμό. Το σύνολο της κατακόρυφης πλατείας καλύπτεται από ελαφριά διάτρητη μεταλλική κατασκευή που προσπαθεί να εξισορροπήσει τη δύναμη των σιδηροτροχιών που καλύφθηκαν στο μεγαλύτερο μέρος τους.

Μία αστική νησίδα που βελτιώνει το μικροκλίμα της φορτωμένης περιοχής. Μία αστική νησίδα αναψυχής τόσο για τον κάτοικο της Μελβούρνης, όσο και για τον τουρίστα, όπου εδώ μπορούν να γνωρίσουν τις «γεύσεις της Μελβούρνης» στα θεματικά (αρωματικά και γευστικά) πάρκα κατά μήκος του ποταμού, να δειπνήσουν στα εστιατόρια, να διαμείνουν σε μικρές ξενοδοχειακές μονάδες, να ασκηθούν, να ενημερωθούν για τα δρώμενα της πόλης.

Τίτλος μελέτης: Flinders Street Station Design Competition, Αυστραλία, Μελβούρνη
Αγωνοθέτης: State of Victoria
Επιφάνεια οικοπέδου: 46.800,00m²
Συνολική επιφάνεια: 8000,00m²
Χρόνος μελέτης: 2012


Αρχιτέκτoνική μελέτη: Δήμος Αλεξίου, Ναταλία Χρυσικού, 
                                        Kώστας Καραγιώργης, Δανάη Καραγιώργη
Στατική μελέτη:
Κυριάκος Κουκνάκος, Παναγιώτης Κουκνάκος
Ηλεκτρομηχανολογική μελέτη: Δημήτρης Σαρακύρου
Τρισδιάστατες απεικονίσεις:
Δήμος Αλεξίου, Ναταλία Χρυσικού
State of Victoria



The proposed site of the competition has two strong characteristics: The first is that it has a key position in the city, between the CBD and the Southbank. The second, it’s a public concentration pole. Unfortunately, both of these acts as disadvantage for the precinct area: The site remains a barrier for the connections between North to South, and East to West. In addition, the site is simply a transition point for passengers that enter the FFS. Based on these aspects, our aim is to reverse them and make FFS and its site an active transition space that offers a revitalized pole to Melbourne’s citizens. On the other hand, the factor that affected the most our proposition for the function of the FFS Administration Building, was the very significant increase in passengers of the station for 2046 with simultaneously increasing demand for space. With this background, we open the space under the rails for most of the station’s needs, releasing at the same time the area over them for public uses. This new public area over the train rails is developed in layers (vertical square) offering visual and functional connections to the city and the station. This proposition offers also the potential to create a “green” place in front of the Administration building that will ameliorate the microclimate of site. By this operation the historic building of the FFS will be enhanced. Situated on the hard area of the rails this “vertical square” is also affected. The train rails are lifted, come over the square, in order to balance the force of covering them, and they are transformed to a free shape metal net.

The new development remains at a distance of the existing FFS Administration Building while maintaining a low level so as to cope with reverence. Simultaneously, the form of growing curves distinguishes from the lines of the precinct area. The metal construction that is used over our “vertical square” reminds of the train rails that already exist in the site. This construction is light, perforated and open to the sky (apart from some areas that could be covered to provide protection from the weather). The transparency of this metal net preserves the visual connections from the inside (square) to the outside (sky, FFS Administration building, Yarra river, CBD and the rest of the precinct area).The new bridge provides additional connection between the city and the station, offering both new civic spaces at the edges of Yarra. The “vertical square” with its mix of uses has as main criterion the creation of a green public island between the CBD and the Southbank discharging the polluted environment from the heavy uses. In the same context we form the northern edge of the river Yarra by developing thematic parks.

Based on the requirements of the competition, the desired areas related to the operation of the station, rests upon Victorian Rail Industry Operators Group (VRIOG) Standards and TM 2.2.2 Station Program Design Guidelines California High-Speed Rail Authority. Accordingly to this demands the corresponding minimum concourse area is 22.000m2 with min total width of entrances 37,4m.This led us to the undergrounding of the new big concourse area with simultaneous release of the space above rails for public uses. The concourse area (C.A 01) of 22.900m2 is positioned under the rails (as indicated on the transport diagram). Its limits match with Flinders and Swanston Streets and the edge of Yarra River. This position offers, at the north safe (subway) access from Elizabeth and Degraves Streets and two flush accesses from Flinders street, at the south two distinguished entries end exits from the edge of Yarra. The C.A 01 has also the potential of direct access from the MMRT at the nort-east of the area (different of the proposed). The second concourse area (C.A 02) is situated at the same place of the current concourse area (7000m2), with flush accesses from Swanston Street and safe (subway) access from Federation Square. The administration functions of the station are situated at the Administration building except for the administration staff (generic) which is located above the C.A 02.

The Administration building emerges and the 2/3 of its areas are being used by the citizens of the city. These areas are located on the building floors. Therefore they are dissociated from the passenger traffic and become more suitable for various uses.
Our proposal retains the design integrity, character and significant fabric of the four key areas of historic significance.The new building is designed to minimize the interfering to structural elements of the old building. These interventions are limited to the widening of the underground accesses to the new station areas. The new building superstructure is constructed at a distance from the Administration building and does not have any effect on the structure of the old building. The low height of the superstructure enables the viewing of the historic building from all locations around the station. The construction of the basement is expected to reduce the wear (deterioration) of the historic building (from erosion) and the maintenance costs.


The insertion of a green public space over the train rails can act as a transition area that will activate the northern edge of Yarra, will facilitate connections (N-S, E-W) and will play a vital role to the microclimate of the site. This space is developed in layers (vertical square) and its form remains distinct from the Administration building and the rest urban net. This “vertical square” can accommodate mix of uses (retail, sport, theater, mini hotel, cafes and restaurants) that reflect Melbourne’s multicultural character. Here, the people in transit - and not only -can experience the “tastes of Melbourne”. Under this context we develop thematic parks on the riverside (fruit and herbs parks) that will vitalize its front. Within the same framework, this riverside undertakes the role of information and connection pole for the events that take place in the precinct area via modern optical means that will be distinctly from the Southbank. Other visual connections that the “vertical square” offers are a wide panorama of the Southbank and a direct view of the platforms and rails via vertical vides. Regarding the flows, pedestrians and cyclists are our priority. New cycle and pedestrian paths are created and the “obstacle” of the Administration building is disrupted via underpasses to Yarra and vice versa. All along the Flinders Street and the Yarra river the square is easily accessible via escalators, ramps and lifts.

The design of the areas related to the operation of the station, rests upon Victorian Rail Industry Operators Group (VRIOG) Standards (Computations according to TM 2.2.2 Station Program Design Guidelines California High-Speed Rail Authority).The stages of construction of the building should be adapted to the demand for simultaneous operation of the station. For this purpose the construction of underground spaces will take place 'in lanes' to allow the parallel operation of the station. We consider the solution of the construction of basement roof, by precast and prestressed concrete elements in order to reduce the construction time of the basement. After the construction of the basement, the construction of the superstructure won’t create significant problems in the operation of the station, because, we can use prefabricated frames and elements. This will reduce the required construction site.
The superstructure provides several areas which can be exploited commercially, creating additional revenue for the state. These areas are separated by the ridership in order to serve many different purposes.


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